For Academic Clients

To schedule a free initial consultation, please click here.

Who I Work With

I work with faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students, and anyone else conducting quantitative research, QI projects, etc. through an academic institution. 

I do not currently provide tutoring for stats courses. All students who work with me are required to inform their chair, committee member, or other academic mentor that they are seeking help from a statistician in order to ensure appropriate communication throughout the process. 

What I Offer

I offer assistance with many aspects of quantitative research, including:

  • Statistical analysis
  • Determination of proper analysis methods
  • Sample size and power analysis
  • Development of appropriate quantitative research questions
  • Survey and experimental design
  • Data management
  • Review of research proposals
  • Interpretation and review of results and discussion

While tables, charts, and figures are often the result of what I do, my primary goal is always to provide understanding and plain language explanations.

Students, please note that I cannot write your dissertation or capstone project document for you. My goal is to give you a deeper understanding of the quantitative portions of your research that will allow you to confidently complete your own work.

The Meeting Process

When you are ready to request a free initial meeting, please fill out the consultation request located here. Once you submit your request, you will receive an email with a link to schedule your meeting (which will take place by phone or over Zoom). When we connect, I will ask questions about your project to be sure I have an understanding of your goals and how I can help you to reach them. I will also answer any questions that you have about working with me. Once we are both comfortable with the project, we will determine together the best way to proceed. In some cases, I will work independently and check in with you as needed, or we may work together during additional scheduled meetings. We may use a combination of strategies that best suit your needs. Every project is different, and I strive to provide individualized working arrangements to meet each client's goals.

Rates, Payment, and Authorship

My current rate for academic work is $110/hour, rounded to the nearest 15 minutes.

I do not offer free statistical advice or analyses, but I do not charge for the initial time that I spend learning about your project and goals. I want to ensure that I am a good match for your needs before requiring payment. I will be clear when I am charging for my time; you will never be surprised by an invoice. If your project requires extended work outside of meetings, such as analyses and a report, I will provide you with an estimated maximum cost prior to starting work and will request your approval should we need to exceed that amount. I understand that you are working on a budget, and will work with you to make you comfortable with both the costs and the outcomes of our collaboration.

Full payment is typically due at the time a project is completed. In the case of extended projects and ongoing work, I may request to send invoices monthly. I accept check, credit/debit cards, and Zelle payments; I will also happily work with your institution to be eligible for their typical methods of contracting and payment.

I am always happy to be an author on a manuscript when appropriate and requested by a client. I follow the ICMJE guidelines for authorship. I do not exchange authorship for work that would normally be part of a paid consultation, but do not charge for authorship tasks such as translating statistical results for a manuscript, editing a manuscript, or responding to reviewers.